New Year…

I really don’t see the big deal over New Year’s Eve…time doesn’t pause, you don’t really get to start over so why does everyone act like this year is going to be THE year? This year may be better than last year, but it depends on what happens in your life. There really isn’t such thing as a brand new start…you still carry your past with you. But I guess it gives people a good excuse to go out and party.

With that being said, I found myself looking back over the past year and thinking of things I would like to do differently. I am not a fan of resolultions, as I think we can choose to change habits whenever but I found myself deciding that today would be a good day to commit to writing at least one blog a week. All the other resolutions – I have been implementing as I soul searched. My Dad died in October and that led to an epiphany moment, since I hadn’t lost anyone close to me in ohhh 15 years and I was so young I don’t remember much of it. Back to my epiphany – life is short. There is no guarantee that tomorrow will arrive. So I slowed down, opened up more, appreciated people more and made sure they knew I appreciated them.  Life has no guarantees. People die too soon. Opportunities pass you by. Sometimes you don’t get a second chance. So my advice is to slow down, appreciate the people and things you have in your life, and if you don’t like something, change it. You are in the driver’s seat, so take it off cruise control and choose where you want to go.

About martini2138

I am 25 years old. I am a self diagnosed book addict. I read everything and anything from romance to thrillers to historical fiction to memoirs. I feel like reading feeds my soul.
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2 Responses to New Year…

  1. Bill Howdle says:

    For someone so young, you have achieved great wisdom. Don’t totally get caught up in the rat race of life. Appreciate what you have and even more importantly appreciate who you have in your life.
    Please keep posting

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